Monday, July 25, 2011

A mixture of emotions.

Today was a really crappy day overall. Work was horrible and it didn't help that a customer walked around the store tracking poop everywhere as it oozed down her leg. Like, really? The customers never cease to amaze me at my job. After work, I had to go to the doctor. I hate going to the doctor, especially alone. But I did anyway cause I didn't wanna ask Ray to come cause he would be late for work. Of course, I got out of there quick. So he actually could have gone with me. Just my luck.

I found out my bloodwork came back saying my thyroid is abnormal...again. Now I gotta go for another day of bloodwork to find out what it is that's wrong with it. This could be the reason I've gained 20 pounds since senior year. Anyways, I got home and asked Ray if he could come see me for a couple minutes before work since I really wasn't feeling well and seeing him always makes me feel better. He told me he couldn't cause he doesn't wanna use more gas than he already has to. Do you know what it feels like to have your boyfriend think you're a waste of gas? It was a huge slap in the face. And made me feel even worse.

On top of all that, my uncle Mike passed away 6 months ago today. I still can't believe he's gone. It seems like just yesterday he was doing Donald Duck and Elmo impersonations. RIP Uncle Mike. Love and miss you every day.


Now enough of the depressing things. This weekend was absolutely amazing. Saturday I had a BBQ to which I invited about 20 friends. I'm not gunna lie. A majority of them didn't show up. Normally I would be depressed about that sort of thing, but you know what? It helped me to realize who my true friends are. And even though there were only a few people at the BBQ, they made it all worth while. I had an amazing time with my REAL friends. Ray and I also decided to play cupid and set up my friend Sandra with his brother (who's never even kissed a girl before). He was able to work up the courage to ask her for her number.

The next day, the four of us hung out ALL day and the night even ended with Ryan getting his first kiss. They've been talking ever since and things seem to be going very well. I'm so happy for the both of them you would think I was the one who just got their first kiss. Haha. I really hope everything continues moving forward with them. Well, fingers crossed...

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