Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Back to blogging...

No matter what goes on in life, writing is one thing I can always count on to let it all out. That's something I really need. I used to keep things bottled up and everyone knows that keeping your emotions in just isn't healthy. They all come out eventually! Sometimes in an uncontrollable burst. I know this from personal experience. I kept everything in and it was like continuously blowing air into a balloon. The last puff of air for me was some girl from work talking shit. Then??? Pop! I lashed out at work and let my emotions explode in a negative way. I ended up punching a hole in a door and got fired.

Ever since then, I try to handle my emotions in a healthy way. My personal favorite is to write. I just started keeping a diary/journal and I've decided to get back into blogging as well. Lately I've been feeling kinda, blah. I don't know why. I honestly have no reason to be upset or depressed. I have an amazing family and a perfect boyfriend. I just got a new car, I'm doing well in school and at work. But for some reason, I can't help but to feel a little off. It doesn't help that as of lately, I'm realizing who my true friends are. And let's just say...there aren't as many of them as I thought there were. Quite a few of my "friends" have been MIA. I text, facebook....no answer. True friends are supposed to be there in your time of need. It's not like I'm going through a hard time, but I could still use my friends! Is that too much to ask? Every text or comment that goes unanswered kills me inside. On the outside, I pretend it doesn't bother me...I pretend I'm okay. But how can someone be okay when all the people in their life they thought they could trust just let them down? At least I know I have my family, and my boyfriend. Those are the only people I know I could trust with my life. As for my "friends," who knows? Maybe it's time to make some new ones...

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