Monday, January 23, 2012

Death Penalty

This blog post is an official entry for the <a href=" Blogger’s Scholarship</a>, sponsored by The Law Office of Joshua Pond, <a href=">.

One of the most controversial topics known to man is that of the death penalty? Are you for it? Or are you against it? Personally, I am all for it. I wouldn't go and throw it around as a sentence for just any crime. Only murder. And maybe rape. I've always believed in the phrase "an eye for an eye." The punishment should fit the crime. Always. No excuses. If someone is so cold that they can rape and/or murder someone, they don't deserve to be on this planet. I hate when people try and say that rehabilitation is the way to go. How do you "rehabilitate" someone who found it in them to kill someone. That sort of instinct doesn't just go away. Then there's those who believe in the sentence of life in prison. I don't think that's enough of a punishment for someone like that. What is prison? Some prisoners these days are living better than noncriminals. First off, they get shelter, while we have perfectly good people living in boxes on the street. They get food, while there are people out there who can't afford food. They're even given the opportunity to go outside and get some fresh air or watch television or workout. How is that fair? There are so many people in this world who would love to be as fortunate as some prisoners. Then there's always the possibility of escape. While many people believe prisoners only escape in movies, the reality is quite the opposite. Prisoners escape all the time. How do you escape a prison with guards all over, you may ask? It's rather simple to face an illness, get sent to the hospital, and escape from there. What happens when they get out? Do you think they would just try and be average? I don't think so. They would get right back on that murder swing. This is why I feel that those sort of disgusting people don't deserve to live anymore. Personally if it was up to me, I would torture the suckers. But the death penalty would suffice.

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